
Topic: Challenges | IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong chuyên mục giải đề IELTS Speaking kỳ này, cùng The IELTS Workshop tham khảo cách giải Topic: Challenges IELTS Speaking Part 1 qua bài mẫu của cô Thu Thuỷ. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Câu hỏi chủ đề Challenges IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?
2. Do you like to challenge yourself?
3. Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?
4. How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life?

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Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer) Challenges IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. What subject do you think is the most challenging at school? 

To my mind, math is generally the trickiest subject in school. It’s all about logic, abstract thinking, and solving puzzles, which can really stump an awful lot of students. Stuff like geometry or linear algebra- they’re like diving into the deep end because they’re so abstract. What’s more, you’ve gotta be spot-on with your answers, which ramps up the difficulty. But you know, everyone’s got their strengths and interests, so what’s arduous for one person may not be so bad for another. 

  • stump: gây chướng ngại, thử thách khó khăn 
  • spot-on: hoàn hảo, chính xác 

2. Do you like to challenge yourself? 

Without a doubt, I’m all about pushing my limits. Getting out of my comfort zone is the name of the game for personal growth. Tackling new challenges helps me pick up new skills, see things from different perspectives, and build some serious grit. Whether it’s taking on a tough project at work, whipping up new recipes, diving into a new language, or going the extra mile with something intense like marathon running, I find these experiences super rewarding. They not only sharpen my abilities but also give my confidence a solid boost and keep life from getting dull. 

  • pushing my limits: vượt qua giới hạn, thử thách bản thân 
  • out of my comfort zone: bước ra khỏi vùng thoải mái, dám thử thách 
  • grit: sự kiên trì, sức mạnh tinh thần 
  • whip up new recipes: nấu nướng, thử nghiệm món mới 
  • a solid boost: sự thúc đẩy vững chắc, sự củng cố mạnh mẽ 

3. Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges? 

Undoubtedly, I definitely appreciate a life that throws a few curveballs my way. While a totally stress-free life might sound like a dream, I believe that challenges are what keep things intriguing and give life its flavor. Overcoming hurdles and solving problems in life give me a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Having said that, it’s all about balance: too much stress can be a recipe for disaster. So, I aim for a life where I’m continuously pushed to grow but also have plenty of downtime to hang loose and recharge. 

  • downtime: thời gian nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn 
challenges ielts speaking part 1

4. How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life? 

When confronted with challenges in daily life, I usually approach them with a systematic and positive mindset. First, I break down the challenge into bite-sized chunks. This keeps me from feeling swamped and lets me handle each part one step at a time. I’m not afraid to ask for a hand if needed, as two heads are often better than one. Plus, I keep a sunny outlook and see challenges as opportunities to develop myself. If a particular challenge is a tough nut to crack, I remind myself to hang in there and stay the course, knowing that perseverance usually pays off/comes into fruition in the end. 

  • bite-sized chunks: những phần nhỏ, dễ dàng xử lý 
  • swamped: bị áp đảo, quá tải 
  • a sunny outlook: tư thế tích cực, nhìn cuộc sống lạc quan 
  • a tough nut to crack: vấn đề khó giải quyết, người khó đối phó 
  • stay the course – tiếp tục nỗ lực, không bỏ cuộc 
  • comes into fruition – đơm hoa kết trái 

Bài mẫu bởi cô Thu Thuỷ – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop

Trên đây là sample cho Topic: Challenges IELTS Speaking Part 1. Ngoài ra, các bạn có thể tham khảo bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 của The IELTS Workshop.

Tại khoá Bổ trợ chuyên sâu của The IELTS Workshop, học viên sẽ được cải thiện kỹ năng Speaking của mình trong thời gian ngắn nhất, kết hợp với nhiều chiến lược giải để IELTS Speaking Part 1 thú vị khác, đừng bỏ lỡ nhé.

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