
Describe a new development | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2

Trong bài giải mẫu lần này, thầy Tùng Phanthầy Viết Dũng của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời topic “Describe a new development in the area where you live trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking nhé.

Part 2: Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…)

Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…)
You should say:
What and where the development is
What it was like before
How long it took to complete it
How people feel about it
And explain how it has improved the area you live in

Dưới đây là bài mẫu cho topic “Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g. shopping mall, park…)“.

1. Bài mẫu (Sample)

Sample 1:

Describe a new development in the area where you live

Sample 2:

Describe a new development in the area

2. Từ vựng (Vocabulary)

Sample 1:

  • hub of activity: trung tâm hoạt động
  • high-end stores: cửa hàng cao cấp
  • go-to spot: đi đến chỗ
  • modern amenities: tiện nghi hiện đại
  • recreational facilities: phương tiện giải trí.
  • boosted the local economy: thúc đẩy nền kinh tế địa phương
  • architectural marvel: kỳ quan kiến trúc
  • cutting-edge technology: công nghệ cắt
  • a social hotspot: một điểm nóng xã hội
  • a game-changer: người thay đổi cuộc chơi
  • upscale retail experiences: trải nghiệm bán lẻ cao cấp

Sample 2:

  • Outskirts (n): rìa, ngoại ô 
  • Bumpy (adj): gồ ghề 
  • To be littered with something = to be full of something  
  • A frequent occurrence: something that happens regularly 
  • Reek of: Sặc mùi 
  • Ecstatic (adj): vui mừng 
  • Appearance (n): diện mạo 
  • For the better: theo chiều hướng tốt lên 

Part 3:

Bên cạnh Part 2, bạn hãy tham khảo thêm Part 3 cho chủ đề này nhé

1. What transportation do you use the most?
2. Is public transportation popular in Vietnam?
3. What can be done to improve public transport services in your hometown?
4. What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?
5. Do you think young people in your country like going to the cinema?
6. How is the subway system developing in your country?

1. What transportation do you use the most?

Sample 1: Well, I mainly rely on scooters for the daily commute. Motorbikes are the most common mode of transportation in Vietnam for good reasons. They are convenient and accessible for short distances or navigating through the bustling streets of cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City.

  • the daily commute: đi lại hàng ngày
  • navigating through the bustling streets: đi qua những con phố nhộn nhịp

Sample 2: Well, it’d have to be my motorcycle. I’ve had it for six years now and not once has it broken down. With a motorcycle, you could easily maneuver the narrow alley ways and streets of Vietnam, and unlike public transport, you don’t have to be dependent on the schedule and coverage of busses, so you get greater travel autonomy and convenience. It’s the main reason why I prefer to use my private vehicle to commute. 

  • Autonomy (n): Sự tự chủ, độc lập 

2. Is public transportation popular in Vietnam?

Sample 1: Although public transportation is gradually gaining traction in Vietnam, particularly in larger cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, its prevalence is not as pervasive as motorbikes. The government has been proactively investing in the development of public transportation infrastructure such as buses and urban railways to assuage traffic congestion and promote sustainable mobility options. However, the adoption of public transportation is still limited due to factors such as limited coverage, affordability, and cultural preferences.

  • gaining traction: tăng sức kéo
  • prevalence: phổ biến
  • pervasive: tràn lan
  • assuage: xoa dịu
  • sustainable mobility options: di chuyển bền vững

Sample 2: That’s a big no. Mass transit infrastructure in my country is unreliable, poorly maintained, and severely underfunded, which makes it inadequate to accommodate the commuting needs of the entire population. Therefore, people mainly stick to their private vehicles as the primary means of transport. Only those without a motorcycle or car, such as students or the elderly, use public transport. 

  • Mass transport (n) = public transport 

3. What can be done to improve public transport services in your hometown?

Sample 1: To augment public transport services in my hometown, several measures can be undertaken. Primarily, expanding the coverage of public transportation routes to encompass more areas within the city would incentivize a greater number of individuals to opt for public transport. Secondly, optimizing the frequency and punctuality of buses and urban railways would engender greater reliability and convenience for commuters. Additionally, upgrading the quality and comfort of buses or trains, and providing multilingual information would appeal to a wider demographic, including tourists, and boost ridership. Lastly, implementing discounted fares or specialized promotions for students, senior citizens, and low-income individuals could render public transportation more affordable and accessible to a broader population.

  • augment: tăng
  • the coverage of public transportation routes: mức độ phủ sóng của các tuyến giao thông công cộng
  • encompass: bao gồm
  • incentivize: khuyến khích
  • opt for: lựa chọn
  • engender: gây ra
  • ridership: hành khách
  • accessible: có thể truy cập

Sample 2: Well, for starters, the authorities could invest in newer electric busses that are better equipped with air conditioning, heated seats, Wi-Fi, and are more sanitary. This would also alleviate the air pollution issue that has plagued Hanoi for many years. The busses could be of smaller size so that they occupy less space on the road, which reduces traffic congestion 

The capacity of our mass transit system also needs to be improved. We need more suspended railways and subways to adequately meet the traveling demands of urban citizens.  

Last but not least, both buses and trains should be more punctual. Currently, they frequently run late and rarely sticks to their schedules, which discourages many from using public transport 

  • Alleviate (v): giảm nhẹ 
  • Occupy (v): chiếm 
  • Suspended railway (n): Đường sắt trên cao 

4. What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

Sample 1: There are various leisure facilities that can cater to people of all ages. Parks with playgrounds, walking paths, and exercise areas are popular among families and seniors for relaxation and physical activities. Sports centers with facilities for basketball, football, and swimming are enjoyed by youth and adults. Additionally, cultural and recreational centers that offer activities like art classes, dance lessons, and music performances are open to people of all ages to pursue their interests and hobbies.

  • cater to: phục vụ cho
  • people of all ages: mọi người ở mọi lứa tuổi

Sample 2: There’s a multitude of them. Public parks and gardens are the most common ones where all age groups go to exercise and get some fresh air. The library is another place that’s open to inquisitive people (both old and young) and offers various learning programs and titles. There are also community centers with sporting facilities such as tennis courts or swimming pools which are open to the public all year round. 

  • The public (n): công chúng 

5. Do you think young people in your country like going to the cinema?

Sample 1: Certainly! The younger generation in Vietnam ardently enjoys frequenting cinemas as a popular form of entertainment. Vietnamese youths are increasingly exposed to global culture and trends, including movies from different countries, and relish the experience of watching films on the silver screen with state-of-the-art sound and visuals. Vietnamese cinemas offer an extensive repertoire of movies, ranging from local to international films, catering to the eclectic interests and preferences of young people.

  • frequenting: thường xuyên
  • state-of-the-art: hiện đại nhất
  • an extensive repertoire of movies: một kho phim phong phú
  • eclectic interests: sở thích đa dạng

Sample 2: Definitely! It’s one of the most popular pastime activities, especially among the youth. Young people in my country are suckers for Hollywood blockbusters, such as Marvel movies, or domestic films as well. Therefore, at weekends, you’ll always see cinemas packed with people dying to see the latest box office hit (if one comes out that week of course) 

  • Blockbuster (n): Phim bom tấn 

6. How is the subway system developing in your country?

Sample 1: Currently, Vietnam is in the early stages of developing its subway system. In major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, there are plans to expand and improve the subway system to provide a more sustainable and efficient mode of transportation. However, the progress has been relatively slow due to various challenges, including funding and construction issues. Nevertheless, the development of the subway system is seen as a positive step towards modernizing the public transportation infrastructure in Vietnam and meeting the growing demands of urban transportation.

  • modernizing: hiện đại hóa

Sample 2: It’s pretty much non-existent. At the moment, Vietnam has no subway lines, and there are no plans to construct them in the future. I guess it’s because technologically speaking, it’s still beyond our reach. Besides, the costs incurred would be enormous for the national budget to bear. I mean, it took us 10 years just to build a suspended railway in our capital that only extends about 1 km, so building metro lines would take considerably longer. I guess it’s fair to say that subway development in Vietnam is moving at glacial speed

  • Glacial speed (n): tốc độ rùa bò 

Bài mẫu bởi thầy Tùng Phan và thầy Viết Dũng – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop HN

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