Trong chuyên mục giải đề dưới đây, cô Phương Anh của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời topic “Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved” trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking nhé.
Part 2: Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
You should say:
What the facility is
When it was renovated and improved
What has been renovated and improved
And explain how you feel about it
Dưới đây là bài mẫu cho topic “Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved“.
1. Bài mẫu (Sample)

2. Từ vựng (Vocabuary)
- stumble upon (ph.v) tình cờ tìm thấy
- tranquil (adj) yên tĩnh
- meticulousness (n) sự tỉ mỉ
- tucked away cất kín, núp ở
- ramshackle (adj) siêu vẹo
- run-down building tòa nhà đổ nát, ọp ẹp
- reek of (ph.v) nồng nặc mùi
- astonished (adj) kinh ngạc
- traumatize (v) làm sang chấn
- mural (n) trang tường
- rejuvenate (v) làm trẻ lại, làm mới lại
Part 3
What are the benefits of public facilities?
Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?
Why are some public transport methods unpopular?
What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?
Do you think people would feel happier when they are in a park or a coffee shop? Why?
Is a public park necessary in every area? Why?
1. What are the benefits of public facilities?
From my humble opinion, I think that public facilities can offer the community numerous benefits based on the purpose that they serve. For example, schools educate children on different facets of life and provide them with knowledge that they need for future jobs. Hospitals cure diseases and save lives while parks create a space for leisure and physical activities. Some might be considered to be more essential than the others but as a whole, I think they are all needed to improve the quality of our lives.
- facet (n) khía cạnh
- essential (adj) thiết yếu
2. Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?
Since nowadays, most of us have to commute to work and find getting stuck in traffic for hours on our vehicles extremely dreadful, mass transit seems like the right choice due to its convenience and speed. Additionally, thanks to public funding, the facilities in subways, buses and trains have been upgraded to meet the needs of commuters. Finally, the reasonable fares also play a factor as gas prices have been erratic lately.
- dreadful (adj) kinh khủng
- fare (n) tiền xe
- erratic (adj) thất thường
3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular?
I guess the majority of public transport runs on schedule, and if you want to use the service, you must be aware and stick to said schedule. So, when you have an emergency like an urgent meeting, waiting at a bus station is not a bright idea. Using your personal vehicle, you can get to your destination at any time you want without any hassles. This is one of the reasons why people are deterred from using public transportation. Another reason is the fact that you have to travel with other people, which can be an inconvenience. After a long day at work, no one wants to hear a baby crying next to them or get pickpocketed by some random person.
- run on schedule chạy theo lịch trình
- stick to (ph.v) bám theo
- hassle (n) rắc rối
- deter from ngăn cản khỏi
- pickpocket (v) móc túi
4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?
I can speak for the young as I’m one of them. I think we prefer to use our personal vehicles such as motorbikes or scooters. As they are faster and occupy less space, we can save time spent commuting and weave in and out of the traffic with ease. As for the elderly, well I guess they are typically tradition-bound, so they’re partial towards buses and trains. This is confirmed by the fact that we don’t usually spot an older person driving around in a car or riding a motorcycle, but we see them sitting in the front row of a bus contemplating life a lot.
- weave (v) len lỏi
- with ease một cách dễ dàng
- tradition-bound trói buộc với truyền thông
- contemplate (v) suy ngẫm
5. Do you think people would feel happier when they are in a park or a coffee shop? Why?
This is a weird question, yet I’m going to try my best to answer it. I believe that it depends on each person’s preference. For introverts who want a safe space to study, read a book or just simply keep their mind at peace, a cafe would be the better option since it’s quieter and less crowded. On the other hand, people who like nature and socializing would enjoy being in a park more.
- preference (n) sự ưa thích
6. Is a public park necessary in every area? Why?
From my point of view, a public park is an essential requirement for every locality because they provide a multitude of benefits to both humans and native species, particularly in bustling urban areas. They serve as a vital haven for local flora and fauna to thrive, enhancing the overall appeal and security of the environment for the diverse wildlife to inhabit and enjoy.
- locality (n) địa phương
- bustling (adj) nhộn nhịp
- vital (adj) quan trọng
- haven (n) nơi ẩn náu
- appeal (n) sự hấp dẫn
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