
Describe a sport you watched and would like to try | IELTS Speaking Part 2+3

Trong bài giải mẫu lần này, cô Thuỷ Tiên của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời topic “Describe a sport you watched and would like to try” trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking nhé.

Part 2: Describe a sport you watched and would like to try

Describe a sport you watched and would like to try
You should say:
When and where you watched it
Why you watched it
Who you watched it with
Whether you will do it in the future
And explain how you felt about it

Dưới đây là bài mẫu cho topic “Describe a sport you watched and would like to try“.

1. Bài mẫu (Sample)

Describe a sport you watched and would like to try sample
Describe a sport you watched and would like to try sample

2. Từ vựng (Vocabulary)

  • crisp: se lạnh
  • serene: yên bình
  • The gentle hum: tiếng kêu êm dịu
  • a bend: khúc cua
  • Even on solid ground: ngay cả trên mặt đất
  • a formidable challenge: một thách thức đáng gờm
  • grace and tranquility: một cách duyên dáng và thanh thản
  • Fortune smiled upon me: vận may mỉm cười với tôi
  • paddled back to the shore: chèo trở lại bờ
  • struck up a conversation: bắt chuyện
  • physical agility: sự nhanh nhẹn về thể chất
  • enhancing the connection between the synapses and neural pathways: tăng cường kết nối giữa các synapse và đường dẫn thần kinh
  • the executive functions and the motor functions: các chức năng điều hành và chức năng vận động
  • the serene image of him on the kayak: hình ảnh yên bình trên chiếc kayak
  • forte: thế mạnh
  • daunting: khó nhằn

Part 3:

Bên cạnh Part 2, bạn hãy tham khảo thêm Part 3 cho chủ đề này nhé

Why do many people like to buy expensive sportswear for playing ball games?
What kinds of sports games do young and old people like to watch in your country?
Why do so many people like to watch sports games?
Do you think that international sports games are for money?
Many advertisers like to use sports stars endorsements. What do you think are the reasons?
Do you think sportsmen would use the sports gears promoted in the commercials?

1. Why do many people like to buy expensive sportswear for playing ball games? 

Many people prefer to buy expensive sportswear for playing ball games for several reasons. Firstly, high-quality sportswear often provides better comfort, durability, and performance. Advanced materials and technologies used in premium sportswear can enhance breathability, moisture-wicking, and flexibility, allowing athletes to perform at their best. Secondly, wearing well-known brands can boost confidence and offer psychological benefits. Additionally, expensive sportswear is often associated with professional athletes, leading to a perception of enhanced status and style. Finally, good sportswear can reduce the risk of injuries by providing better support and fit. 

  • durability: độ bền
  • breathability: khả năng thoáng khí
  • moisture-wicking: hút ẩm

2. What kinds of sports games do young and old people like to watch in your country? 

In Vietnam, both young and old people enjoy watching a variety of sports games. Football is the most popular sport across all age groups. The Vietnamese national football team’s matches, as well as international leagues such as the English Premier League and the UEFA Champions League, attract large audiences. Younger people also show interest in basketball and esports, while older generations may prefer traditional sports like volleyball and badminton. Major international sporting events, such as the Olympics and the Asian Games, are also widely watched by people of all ages. 

  • attract large audiences: thu hút lượng khán giả lớn

3. Why do so many people like to watch sports games? 

Many people enjoy watching sports games because they provide excitement, entertainment, and a sense of community. The unpredictable nature of sports creates thrilling and engaging experiences. Watching sports allows individuals to escape from their daily routines and stress. Additionally, sports games foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging, as fans come together to support their teams and share their passion. The narratives of athletes overcoming challenges and achieving greatness also inspire and captivate audiences. Moreover, sports often carry cultural and national significance, further enhancing their appeal. 

  • a sense of camaraderie: tinh thần đồng đội

4. Do you think that international sports games are for money? 

International sports games have a complex relationship with money. While the primary purpose of these events is to promote sportsmanship, cultural exchange, and global unity, there is no denying the significant financial aspect involved. Hosting international sports events can boost tourism, create jobs, and generate revenue for the host country. Sponsorships, broadcasting rights, and ticket sales also contribute to the commercialization of sports. However, the financial benefits must be balanced with the ideals of fair competition and athletic excellence to ensure that the essence of sports is preserved. 

5. Many advertisers like to use sports stars endorsements. What do you think are the reasons? 

Advertisers use sports stars endorsements for several reasons. Sports stars are often seen as role models and symbols of success, hard work, and perseverance, making them influential figures. Their endorsements can enhance brand credibility and appeal, as fans are likely to trust and emulate their favorite athletes. Sports stars also have large and dedicated fan bases, providing advertisers with a ready-made audience. Additionally, associating a product with a well-known athlete can create a positive image and increase the product’s perceived value. This strategy leverages the athlete’s popularity and status to drive sales and brand recognition. 

  • endorsements: sự chứng thực
  • perseverance: bền bỉ
  • emulate: bắt chước
  • leverages: tận dụng

6. Do you think sportsmen would use the sports gear promoted in the commercials? 

While some sportsmen may genuinely use the sports gear they promote in commercials, this is not always the case. Endorsements are often part of commercial agreements, and athletes may promote products as part of their sponsorship deals. However, many athletes are careful about the products they endorse, as their reputation is at stake. Using high-quality, reliable gear is crucial for their performance and safety. Therefore, it is likely that sportsmen would use the gear if it meets their standards and needs. Nevertheless, consumers should critically evaluate endorsements and consider their own requirements before making a purchase. 

  • sponsorship deals: hợp đồng tài trợ
  • at stake: bị đặt lên bàn cân

Bài mẫu bởi cô Thuỷ Tiên – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop

Xem thêm: Describe a sport that you only have watched before but have not played yourself | IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3

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