Trong chuyên mục giải đề IELTS Speaking lần này, thầy Phan Hải của The IELTS Workshop HN sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời topic “Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted“ trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking nhé.
Part 2: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted
Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
Who gave it to you
And explain why you wanted it so much
Dưới đây là bài mẫu cho topic “Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted“.
1. Bài mẫu (Sample)

2. Từ vựng (Vocabulary)
- eyeing: để mắt đến
- sleek: kiểu dáng đẹp
Part 3:
Bên cạnh Part 2, bạn hãy tham khảo thêm Part 3 cho chủ đề này nhé
1. Should employees have their own goals?
2. How should bosses reward employees?
3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
4. How should children spend their allowance money?
5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?
1. Should employees have their own goals?
I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to have some sort of aim when one is joining the labour market. I mean, undoubtedly, a goal is something that could motivate an employee to come to the office and give everything they have, to strive for the better, like a promotion for example. What’s more, having a goal or goals means that the employee knows what he needs and what he wants, so as to have a sense of purpose when getting out of bed and commuting to work.
2. How should bosses reward employees?
I think it depends on the level of achievement. Let me give you an example: if someone completes a daunting task, like finishing an annual financial statement, maybe the boss can salute the work by saying congratulations, or ask everyone around to come in and give that employee a round of applause. But, if it is a much bigger accomplishment, like a project that secures millions of dollars of profit, maybe a commission or even a promotion might do the trick.
- daunting: khó khăn
3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
I think it depends on the level of achievement, as much like an adult. For instance, if the goal met is something normal like getting an A in an exam, then perhaps some form of encouragement from loved ones is more than enough. But if the accomplishment is something of a serious matter like being able to enter a prestigious college, like Harvard, then the gift they desire might be something of nearly the same value as their achievement, like a new car or a new iPhone.
4. How should children spend their allowance money?
That’s not easy to teach children how to spend money wisely at such a young age, as they seem to be more into trivial things like snacks or comic books or toys. So, parents need to find their own solution, to make sure that their kids do not overspend on those things above. But again, sometimes children should be let loose to spend the way they like, but only after they have asked for advice from their parents.
5. Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
I think the most noticeable reason is the fact that fewer people are on a tight budget, compared to the previous generation. Hence, they are more willing to open their checkbook for things they like. What’s more, advertising plays an important role in shaping people’s spending habits. After all, it’s hard to turn a blind eye to something being promoted on a daily basis.
6. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?
Well, taking the economics perspective into consideration, for microeconomics, spending more means more profit, and the economy of that region might be improved, allowing for the GDP to grow as well, and that equals economic growth. For macroeconomics, this could go either way: firms might have the spare revenue to expand production, which then further develops the national economy, or people might run out of cash and switch to a more economical approach, thus depriving the economy of enhancement.
Bài mẫu bởi thầy Phan Hải – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop HN
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