
Topic: Happy things | Bài giải mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong chuyên mục giải đề lần này, cô Thủy Ngô của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn trả lời câu hỏi cho chủ đề Happy things trong Speaking Part 1. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Câu hỏi cho chủ đề Happy things – Part 1

1. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?
2. What made you happy when you were little?
3. What do you think will make you happy in the future?
4. When do you feel happy at work? Why?
5. Do you feel happy when buying new things?
6. Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer)

Sample 1

1. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?

Yes, there is. Last month, my family and I had a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Phu Quoc Island. I was truly happy to have my beloved ones by my side, we enjoyed breath-taking views of islands and tried local specialities together.

  • Once-in-a-lifetime trip: Chuyến đi nhớ đời
  • breathtaking view: Cảnh đẹp ngoạn mục
  • Local specialities: Đặc sản địa phương

2. What made you happy when you were little?

Well, when I was a little girl, I would feel over the moon for the whole day if my father or mother praised me for anything such as having a good mark or tidying my house. 

  • Feel over the moon: Cảm thấy rất sung sướng
  • Praise somebody for something: Khen ai đó vì điều gì

3. What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?

I guess that I would feel extremely excited to get a well-paid job in the future. With much money, I can enjoy a more comfortable life. I enjoy buying luxury items or traveling around the world.

  • Well-paid job: Công việc lương cao
  • Luxury item: Đồ xa xỉ 

4. When do you feel happy at work? Why?

When it comes to working, I would feel satisfied when I complete assigned tasks by the deadline. This brings me a sense of accomplishment.

  • Bring somebody a sense of accomplishment. satisfaction/relaxation: mang lại cho ai cảm giác thành tựu/hài lòng/ thư giãn

5. Do you feel happy when buying new things?

Absolutely, if I can afford to purchase a new item that I desire for a long time, I might feel on cloud nine for the whole week. For example, I just bought an I-phone 14 Pro max with my first salary, which made me really satisfied and proud of myself.

  • Feel on cloud nine: Cảm thấy rất sung sướng

6. Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

Yes, I guess that. Shopping really helps people to get a sense of relaxation and satisfaction. Especially, people enjoy going shopping on the weekend after long hard working days.

Bài mẫu bởi cô Thủy Ngô – Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop HN

Sample 2

1. Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?

Recently, there have been a few things that have brought me contentment. One of the main sources of my happiness has been spending quality time with my close friends. Due to our busy schedules, it can be difficult to coincide our time to get together, but we recently managed to plan a weekend getaway. Relaxing, sharing laughter, and creating new memories with those I adore truly made me feel happy and grateful.

  • contentment: sự hài lòng, mãn nguyện
  • coincide our time: trùng khớp thời gian của chúng tôi
  • a weekend getaway: chuyễn đi nghỉ cuối tuần

2. What made you happy when you were little?

When I was little, one of the main sources of my happiness was the simple pleasures of childhood. Exploring nature, playing in the park with friends, and riding my bicycle were all activities that brought immense joy. The feeling of freedom and adventure, the laughter and camaraderie with friends, and the excitement of discovery in everyday things made me genuinely happy.

  • immense joy: niềm vui to lớn
  • camaraderie with friends: sự thân thiết với bạn bè

3. What do you think will make you happy in the future?

As I work towards my ambitions and make progress, maintaining a healthy work-life balance will certainly be essential for my overall happiness. Striking a harmonious equilibrium between my professional commitments and personal life will allow me to pursue my passions, spend quality time with loved ones, and engage in activities that bring me elation and fulfillment. Having time for self-care, relaxation, and pursuing my hobbies will contribute to my overall well-being and happiness.

  • work-life balance: cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống
  • harmonious equilibrium: trạng thái cân bằng hài hòa
  • elation: sự hân hoan, phấn khởi

4. When do you feel happy at work? Why?

I myself am a teacher so having purpose and meaning in my work can greatly contribute to my happiness. When I can see the tangible impact of my contributions and make a difference in people’s lives when they understand what I taught, it brings a deep sense of achievement. Knowing that my work has a purpose and positively influences others fuels my motivation and overall enjoyment at work.

  • tangible impact: tác động hữu hình
  • a sense of achievement: cảm giác thành công
  • fuels my motivation: thúc đẩy động lực của tôi

5. Do you feel happy when buying new things?

I mean who doesn’t? The happiness I feel when buying new things is often influenced by the value and practicality of the item. If I purchase something like the latest gadget or a fashionable item that I have been eyeing for a while which aligns with my needs and contributes to my personal interests, it can surely bring about tremendous delight and satisfaction. 

  • practicality: tính thực tế, thiết thực
  • the latest gadget: thiết bị mới nhất
  • eyeing for a while: để mắt tới trong một thời gian
  • aligns with my needs: phù hợp với nhu cầu của tôi

6. Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

As I have stated previously, one can derive jubilation from acquiring a new product, but this notion might vary from person to person. While obtaining new possessions can bring excitement, novelty, and anticipation, it can also be a temporal pleasure that tends to diminish over time, and people may quickly adapt to the item’s presence. Hence it is important to recognize your standpoint and understand how you view your own purchasing experience.

  • derive jubilation from sth: có được niềm vui, sự hân hoan từ cái gì
  • temporal pleasure: niềm vui tạm thời
  • recognize your standpoint: nhận biết quan điểm của bạn

Bài mẫu bởi thầy Khánh Nam – Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop HN

Video Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 1: Happy Things

Trên đây là sample cho Topic: Happy Things trong IELTS Speaking Part 1. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể truy cập Kho bài mẫu Speaking Part 1 của The IELTS Workshop để tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu cho các chủ đề IELTS khác.

Bạn có thể làm bài Kiểm tra trình độ tiếng Anh miễn phí để xác định trình độ của bản thân, từ đó đề ra lộ trình ôn luyện hiệu quả.

Ngoài ra, bạn hãy tham khảo phương pháp xây dựng câu trả lời ngắn gọn cho bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 tại khóa học Pre-Senior của The IELTS Workshop nhé.

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