
Topic: Writing IELTS Speaking Part 1 | Bài mẫu, từ vựng

Dưới đây là hai cách trả lời mẫu cho topic: Writing đến từ thầy Hoàng Bảo với Sample 1 (Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop HCM) và cô Thủy Lương với Sample 2 (Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop HN). Bạn đọc có thể tham khảo bài mẫu phù hợp với bản thân mình nhé.

Câu hỏi mẫu cho IELTS Speaking Part 1 Writing

Nói về Chủ đề WRITING trong bài thi IELTS Speaking, một số câu hỏi Part 1 mà thí sinh có thể gặp phải như:

  • Do you write a lot?
  • What do you like to write? Why?
  • Do you think the things you write would change?
  • Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?

Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer) IELTS Speaking Part 1 Writing

1. Do you write a lot?

Sample 1: Yes, I do write quite a bit. For the most part, I write essays for my assignments in university. To be honest, that can get really dull and frustrating at times, but I’ve gotten used to it over the years. Now, if I manage not to procrastinate, writing essays can actually be enjoyable.

  • Quite a bit (adj.) – khá nhiều
  • Dull (adj.) – tẻ nhạt
  • Frustrating (adj.) – gây chán nản
  • Procrastinate (v.) – trì hoãn

Sample 2: Yes, of course. That is a crucial  part of my work as a teacher. However, these days I find myself typing a lot on computers and texting on my phone, so I rarely use paper and a pen anymore. I only have to jot down notes in places where laptops are not allowed. I think it’s a pain, really.

  • jot down: ghi chú
  • it’s a pain: thật là phiền

2. What do you like to write? Why?

Sample 1: I’ve never been much of a writer but since my major involves a lot of researching, I’ve come to enjoy writing research papers. I enjoy reading past studies, formulating a research question, running experiments and putting everything together in the essay. While this can be challenging, especially with my tendency to procrastinate, it’s very satisfying to dedicate days and weeks into a paper and having everything come together. 

  • Major (n.) – ngành học
  • Research papers (n.) – bài nghiên cứu
  • Formulate (v) – hình thành (một cách rõ ràng)
  • Put together (phrasal verb) – tạo nên (bằng cách ghép nhiều thành phần với nhau)
  • Tendency (n.) – thói quen / xu hướng

Sample 2: Well, normally, I would have a strong preference for writing something academic as it is a part of what I do for a living. I am an IELTS teacher and I train my students to write academic essays. These are generally challenging and arduous though as you need an awful lot of knowledge, skills and strategies to write academically. I mean you have to know numerous collocations, how to explain ideas logically and avoid using slang and too informal phrases.

  • arduous: khó khăn

3. Do you think the things you write would change?

Sample 1: Not really, no. I hope to become a researcher in my field someday, so I suppose the things I write won’t be changing anytime soon. However, I do hope that the quality of my work will change for the better, as my career will depend on that.

  • For the better (adj.) – tốt hơn

Sample 2: Yes, I think so. This is primarily because I am a bit of an art person and also a voracious reader. I’m a big fan of romance kind of books and I reckon down the line, I would love to try my hand at writing novels. That would sound intriguing for me since I love to get my creative juices flowing when I write and develop thrilling plots.

  • voracious reader: người đọc ngấu nghiến
  • intriguing: thú vị
  • get my creative juices flowing: thỏa sức sáng tạo
  • thrilling plots: cốt truyện hấp dẫn

4. Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?

Sample 1: When I was younger, I preferred handwriting to typing because I wanted to have a personal touch for every essay. That opinion changed rather quickly when I started university. Every assignment has to be submitted electronically and it is more convenient to type on a computer. Plus, using a computer makes it easier for me to cite papers and make references.

  • Prefer sth to th – thích (một thứ) hơn (một thứ khác)
  • A personal touch – dấu ấn cá nhân

Sample 2: Well, you know, in this day and age, modern technologies have largely marginalized handwriting, and you don’t see people writing by hand as much as they did in the past. However, I still think some things need to be handwritten. For example, you should always handwrite a wedding invitation to show respect to the guests. 

  • in this day and age: thời đại ngày nay
  • marginalize: làm lép vế

Bài mẫu bởi thầy Hoàng Bảo & cô Thủy Lương – Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop

Trên đây là câu trả lời tham khảo cho chủ đề WRITING. Hy vọng bài viết này giúp bạn có thêm những kinh nghiệm để ôn luyện tốt hơn. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tham khảo thêm nhiều bài hơn tại kho bài IELTS Speaking của The IELTS Workshop nhé.

Bên cạnh đó, đừng quên tham khảo khóa Senior của The IELTS Workshop để nâng band dễ dàng hơn nhé. 

khóa học senior

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