
Topic: Maths | IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong chuyên mục giải đề IELTS Speaking kỳ này, cùng The IELTS Workshop tham khảo cách giải Topic: Maths IELTS Speaking Part 1 qua bài mẫu của thầy Khánh Nam thầy Vĩnh Phong. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Câu hỏi chủ đề Maths IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. Do students learn maths in secondary schools in Vietnam?
2. Do you think maths is difficult?
3. What can people do with maths in their daily life?
4. Do you learn maths now? Why or why not?
5. Do you like learning maths?
6. Do you think it’s difficult to learn maths well?
7. Do you often use a calculator?
8. Do you think mathematics is important?
9. Are girls generally good at mathematics?

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Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer) Maths IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. Do students learn maths in secondary schools in Vietnam? 

Of course! Mathematics is a fundamental subject taught in all secondary schools across Vietnam. It helps develop analytical and problem-solving skills among students at a young age. The education system strongly emphasizes mathematics as a core discipline, preparing the young for higher academic pursuits and practical applications in various fields. 

  • a core discipline: môn học chính, cốt lõi 
  • higher academic pursuits: những mục tiêu học tập bậc cao 
  • practical applications: những ứng dụng thực tế 

2. Do you think maths is difficult? 

Mathematics can be extremely challenging for some, but I believe it could be manageable with practice and logical understanding. The key lies in breaking down complex problems into smaller and explicit steps. With perseverance and patience, anyone can develop maths proficiency and appreciate it. 

  • logical understanding: sự hiểu biết logic 
  • explicit steps: các bước rõ ràng 
  • develop maths proficiency: phát triển trình độ toán học 
maths ielts speaking part 1

3. What can people do with maths in their daily life? 

Mathematics can be essential for numerous daily tasks such as budgeting for errands and telling time. Even with complex tasks, it helps make informed decisions about finances, understand cooking measurements, and manage schedules effectively. Such skills surely are crucial in various personal and professional aspects of life. 

  • budgeting for errands: lập ngân sách cho các việc vặt 
  • telling time: nhận biết thời gian 
  • informed decision: quyết định sáng suốt 

4. Do you learn maths now? Why or why not? 

Having graduated for a while now, I’m not currently learning maths as a subject. However, I still use mathematical concepts in all kinds of situations that I’ve previously mentioned. Maths remains relevant as it helps me manage my money effectively and understand various math-related contexts that lie beyond formal education

  • mathematical concepts: các khái niệm toán học 
  • remain relevant: vẫn còn phù hợp, liên quan  
  • lie beyond formal education: nằm ngoài giáo dục chính quy 

5. Do you like learning maths? 

    Honestly, I used to dread math when I was younger because it always seemed so complicated and intimidating, but over time, as I began to understand the logic behind it, I’ve come to appreciate it more. I mean there’s something incredibly satisfying about solving a complex problem and seeing everything fall into place. It’s like a mental workout that keeps my brain sharp and engaged. Plus, understanding math has given me more confidence in tackling other subjects as well. 

    • Dread (v) – sợ hãi, lo sợ 
    • Come to appreciate (v) – dần dần trân trọng, hiểu giá trị 
    • Fall into place (idiom) – trở nên rõ ràng, dễ hiểu 
    • Mental workout (n) – rèn luyện trí óc 

    6. Do you think it’s difficult to learn maths well? 

      Definitely, math can be a tough nut to crack. It requires a lot of practice, patience, and a good teacher to explain the concepts clearly. Some parts of math are quite abstract, making them harder to grasp. Without a solid foundation, it’s easy to get lost. That said, with dedication, the right resources, and consistent effort, it’s definitely doable. I think the key is to not get discouraged by mistakes and to keep pushing forward. 

      • Tough nut to crack (idiom) – vấn đề khó giải quyết 
      • Abstract (adj) – trừu tượng 
      • Solid foundation (n) – nền tảng vững chắc 
      • Get lost (phrasal verb) – bị lạc, không hiểu 
      • Doable (adj) – có thể làm được 

      7. Do you often use a calculator? 

        I do use it fairly often, especially for more complicated calculations. It saves time and reduces the chances of making silly mistakes. Yet, I believe it’s crucial to understand the underlying principles behind the calculations and not rely too heavily on it.  I’d say using a calculator can be helpful, but having a good grasp of basic math skills is also essential. 

        • Fairly often (adv) – khá thường xuyên 
        • Save time (v) – tiết kiệm thời gian 
        • Reduce the chances (v) – giảm khả năng 
        • Silly mistakes (n) – lỗi ngớ ngẩn 
        • Underlying principles (n) – nguyên tắc cơ bản 

        8. Do you think mathematics is important? 

          Absolutely, math is fundamental to many aspects of life. It’s not just about numbers; it teaches logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Whether it’s budgeting, cooking, or even planning a trip, math comes in handy more often than we realize.  

          • Logical thinking (n) – tư duy logic 
          • Problem-solving skills (n) – kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề 
          • Come in handy (phrasal verb) – trở nên hữu ích 

          9. Are girls generally good at mathematics? 

            I believe girls can be just as good at math as boys since it all boils down to interest and encouragement. Unfortunately, there are still stereotypes that suggest otherwise, but I think we’re gradually moving past those outdated notions. When given the right support and opportunities, girls can excel in math just as much as boys.  

            • Stereotypes (n) – khuôn mẫu 
            • Outdated notions (n) – quan niệm lỗi thời 

            Bài mẫu bởi thầy Khánh Nam và thầy Vĩnh Phong – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop

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