
Topic: Schools | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong chuyên mục giải đề lần này, cô Hoàng My thầy Hoàng Hưng của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn trả lời câu hỏi cho chủ đề Schools IELTS Speaking Part 1. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Câu hỏi cho chủ đề Schools IELTS Speaking Part 1

1. Where do you go to school?
2. Do you go to a good school?
3. What are the differences between your school and other schools?

4. Where is your school?
5. Do you like your school?
6. Do you think your school is a good place to study?
7. What is the environment like at your school?
8. What do you think could be improved in your school?
9. How important is interest in study?
10. Which subject do you find challenging?
11. Do you like your job?
12. Do you currently have a good work environment?
13. What do you think could be improved at your workplace?
14. Have you ever thought about changing jobs?
15. Is there a place in your company that makes you feel relaxed?
16. What are the advantages of a company having a relaxation room?

Dưới đây là câu hỏi, ý tưởng và câu trả lời mẫu cho chủ đề Schools IELTS Speaking Part 1.

Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer)

1. Where did you go to school?

I went to a few different schools, mostly in the vicinity of my neighborhood. My primary school, middle school and high school were just 10 minutes away from my house. However, my academy was the only school that took me literally half an hour for my daily commute, and I have to say it was a huge burden to me.

  • in the vicinity of sth: Ở gần đâu
  • daily commute: di chuyển hàng ngày
  • a (huge) burden: một gánh nặng (lớn)

2. Did you go to a good school?

Yes, actually. Although the schools I went to were not nationally acclaimed, they provided me a wonderful platform to develop myself. I not only got the chance to learn from such extraordinary teachers, but I was also given the opportunity to freely express my feelings and thoughts.

  • Be nationally acclaimed: Nổi tiếng khắp cả nước

3. What are the differences between your school and other schools?

I would like to pick my academy to answer this question as I think it would be on another scale when being compared to other schools. So I studied at Military Science Academy which, as you can tell by its name, is a school established with an aim to train military cadets. In this both academic and militaristic environment, I got the chance to experience using different weapons, apply quite a few tactics that might be helpful in battlefields and hone my language skills at the same time. The purpose of all these practices is to train Vietnamese soldiers to get ready for any missions whenever the country requires, no matter in battlefields or negotiating tables.

  • Establish: thành lập
  • with an aim to do sth: với mục đích làm gì
  • military cadets: sĩ quan quân đội
  • Tactic: chiến thuật
  • Hone: mài giũa
  • Battlefield: chiến trường
  • negotiating table: bàn đàm phán

4. Where is your school?  

My school is located in the heart of Hanoi, surrounded by bustling markets and quiet residential areas. It’s very accessible for students from different parts of the city and it often takes me 10 minutes to get there from my house. 

  • bustling markets: chợ sôi động, nhộn nhịp 
  • accessible: dễ tiếp cận 

5. Do you like your school? 

Absolutely, I’m really fond of my school as my teachers are really knowledgeable and always willing to help students not only academically but also in extracurricular activities. Besides, my school offers a variety of programs and clubs, which allows students to explore their interests and talents  

  • knowledgeable: nhiều kiến thức, am hiểu 
  • extracurricular activities: các hoạt động ngoại khóa 

6. Do you think your school is a good place to study? 

Definitely, I believe my school is an excellent place to study because all the classrooms are well-equipped with modern technology, which helps students to have a better learning experience. On top of that, the library is stocked with a vast collection of resources, supporting a wide range of subjects and research needs. 

  • well-equipped: được trang bị tốt 

7. What is the environment like at your school? 

The environment at my school is very motivating and inclusive. The school grounds are well-maintained with plenty of green spaces, which provide a refreshing escape during breaks. What I like most is that there is a strong emphasis on respect and cooperation among students, creating a supportive study environment. 

  • motivating and inclusive: truyền động lực và gắn kết tất cả mọi người 
  • a strong emphasis on: tập trung, ưu tiên, nhấn mạnh 

8. What do you think could be improved in your school? 

While my school provides excellent academic support, I think the sports facilities could be improved. I mean some of them are quite outdated and could be better maintained. Enhancing these facilities would encourage more students to participate in physical activities and sports. 

  • Outdated: cũ 

9. How important is interest in study?  

I suppose that interest in study is essential as it drives motivation and enhances the learning process. When students are interested in their subjects, they tend to engage more deeply and perform better. Besides, developing a genuine interest can lead to lifelong learning and personal growth. 

Schools and workplaces IELTS Speaking Part 1 sample

10. Which subject do you find challenging? 

To be honest, I find mathematics to be particularly challenging. It has too many abstract concepts and exercises that can be quite daunting at times. However, I have to acknowledge the importance of math in everyday life and various professional fields, which motivates me to overcome the challenges. 

  • abstract concepts: khái niệm mơ hồ 
  • daunting: khó 

11. Do you like your job?  

For sure, I enjoy my job a lot. It allows me to work in a field I’m passionate about, which keeps me motivated and engaged. It also teaches me various valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership, which are crucial for my personal and professional growth. 

12. Do you currently have a good work environment?  

Undoubtedly, my company promotes a culture of respect and professionalism so we have open communication channels, which I believe are essential for productivity and job satisfaction. The management also supports our personal and professional development. 

  • job satisfaction: sự hài lòng, thỏa mãn với công việc 

13. What do you think could be improved at your workplace?  

Well, one area that could definitely be improved at my workplace is the lack of facilities for staff relaxation. Currently, there are no designated quiet zones or relaxation spaces where employees can unwind or take a short break from their work stress. Introducing such spaces could help improve overall employee well-being and productivity, I think. 

  • designated quiet zones: những khu vực chỉ định yên tĩnh  
  • take a short break: nghỉ giải lao nhanh 

14. Have you ever thought about changing jobs? 

Yes, I have. While I’m currently pretty satisfied with my job, I have thought about exploring opportunities in other sectors that align more closely with my long-term career goals. It’s important for me to keep challenging myself and to ensure that my career path aligns with my personal and professional growth objectives. 

  • align more closely with my long-term career goals: sát hơn, giống hơn với mục tiêu dài hạn 

15. Is there a place in your company that makes you feel relaxed? 

Yes, there’s a small café just a stone’s throw away from my company that offers a great view of the city skyline. It’s a place where my co-workers and I can gather to unwind, have informal meetings, or simply enjoy a coffee break, which really helps us to break the monotony of the day

  • just a stone’s throw away from: rất gần với 
  • gather to unwind: gặp gỡ để thư giãn 
  • the monotony of the day: sự đơn điệu 

16. What are the advantages of a company having a relaxation room? 

In my opinion, having a relaxation room in the company offers several advantages. It provides employees with a space to take mental breaks, which can significantly boost productivity and reduce stress. It also encourages informal interactions among colleagues, which can enhance teamwork and foster a more collaborative work environment

  • boost productivity: tăng năng suất 
  • foster a more collaborative work environment: xây dựng một môi trường làm việc đoàn kết 

Bài mẫu bởi cô Hoàng My và thầy Hoàng Hưng – Giáo viên tại The IELTS Workshop

Trên đây là sample cho Topic: Schools IELTS Speaking Part 1. Ngoài ra, các bạn có thể tham khảo Kho bài mẫu Speaking Part 1 của The IELTS Workshop cũng như làm bài test trình độ IELTS tại đây, từ đó đề ra cho mình lộ trình ôn luyện chuẩn xác nhất nhé!

Ngoài ra, bạn hãy tham khảo phương pháp xây dựng câu trả lời ngắn gọn cho bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 tại khóa học Pre-Senior của The IELTS Workshop nhé.

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