
Topic: Opinion | IELTS Speaking Part 3  

Dưới đây là bài trả lời mẫu cho Topic Opinion IELTS speaking part 3. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

1. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?
2. Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?
3. Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?
4. What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?

1. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

Well, I suppose that such hesitation comes from both the speakers and the hearers. For one, those who want to share their thoughts are likely to have poor oratory skills or insufficient knowledge about the issue that’s being discussed. This might make them feel a sense of insecurity, pulling them back from expressing their viewpoint. Apart from that, the opinion givers might have come under fire in the past, and the fear of being judged makes them refrain from voicing their opinions in front of listeners again. 

2. Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

Of course, there are plenty of them. They range from the most straightforward, user-friendly tools like Google Form to more sophisticated survey softwares like Qualaroo or UserEcho. These web-based apps support businesses to create detailed surveys, questionnaires, polls, and even reports online. In return, their target customers, at the push of a button, can provide a rating as well as submit reviews, including compliments and suggestions for improvement, for the products or services. 

3. Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?

I think the reasons for this tendency may vary. To kick off, it’s what the internet, especially social media sites, exists for. These web pages act as a way for netizens to share their thoughts, opinions, news, photos,… you know, any kind of information, with those in their network, in exchange for updates from people they care about. Another motive behind this could be as simple as people feeling the need to be listened to and to be valued by others on the internet. 

4. What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet? 

For people who use the internet to spread positive messages, giving opinions on the internet might not be troubling. However, there are many others who take advantage of online free speech to share offensive views and personally attack other users. Such internet trolls are often anonymous accounts, creating bickering stirs and discomfort on social forums to express sexist or racist criticism. This would eventually damage the mental and physical well-being of the readers.

Highlight Vocabulary – Từ vựng nổi bật

  • hesitation (n): sự lưỡng lự, do dự 
  • oratory (adj): liên quan đến kỹ năng nói trước đám đông
  • come under fire (idiom): bị chỉ trích bởi ai đó
  • a sense of + noun (n): cảm giác
  • refrain from (v): tránh hoặc ngăn bản thân làm điều gì đó 
  • straightforward (adj): đơn giản 
  • sophisticated (adj): phức tạp 
  • at the push of a button (idiom): dễ thực hiện, không tốn nhiều công sức
  • compliment (n): lời khen 
  • tendency (n): xu hướng
  • to kick off (từ nối): thứ nhất là
  • netizen (n): cư dân mạng
  • network (n): những mối quan hệ của người nào đó
  • motive (n): lý do
  • take advantage of: lợi dụng
  • free speech (n): quyền tự do ngôn luận
  • offensive (adj): phản cảm
  • troll (n): những người hay đăng nội dung tiêu cực, châm chọc 
  • bickering (adj): gây tranh cãi

By Anh Thảo – IELTS Teacher at The IELTS Workshop TP.HCM

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Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Mid-Autumn mà bạn có thể tham khảo. Để có thể nâng cao khả năng làm Speaking, bạn có thể tham khảo khóa Senior của The IELTS Workshop để nâng band dễ dàng hơn nhé. 

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