
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2+3 – Topic: Helping a child

Trong bài mẫu tham khảo dưới đây, thầy Phan Hải của The IELTS Workshop sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời câu hỏi của chủ đề trong Speaking Part 2: Helping a child. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Part 2: Describe a time when you helped a child

Describe a time when you helped a child
You should say:
When it happened
Where you were stuck
What you did while waiting
And explain how you felt in the traffic jam

Dưới đây là bài mẫu của thầy Phan Hải cho topic “Describe a time when you helped a child” các bạn hãy tham khảo nhé. Bài mẫu phù hợp cho những bạn đặt mức điểm đạt được là 6.0 – 6.5.

1. Bài mẫu (Sample Answer)

Describe a time when you helped a child

2. Từ vựng (Vocabulary Highlight)

  • novice: một người mới
  • give sb a hand: giúp đỡ
  • so far behind: tụt lại quá xa
  • pass sth with flying colors: vượt qua nhẹ nhàng
  • fail to get anything done: không làm được gì
  • frankly: thẳng thắn
  • out of somebody’s element: ngoài khả năng của ai đó
  • keep head down: cúi đầu
  • forte: sở trường

Câu hỏi cho chủ đề Helping – Part 3

Bên cạnh Part 2, bạn hãy tham khảo thêm Part 3 cho chủ đề này nhé

1. Do you often help kids? How?
2. Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?
3. What can schools do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?
4. Who benefits more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people helped?

Do you often help kids? How?

1. Do you often help kids? How?

I wouldn’t say often, because most of my daily life revolves around working and dealing with either adults or teenagers. And as a matter of fact, I’m not a father yet. That being said, if I ever saw a kid who was in trouble like not being able to find his or her parents, I would love to help in any way I can. I just cannot seem to avert my eyes from a crying child.

  • revolves around: xoay quanh
  • as a matter of fact: trên thực tế
  • avert my eyes from a crying child: rời mắt khỏi một đứa trẻ đang khóc

2. Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?

I think the most fundamental part of doing voluntary work is self-satisfaction. I mean, there are the underprivileged who are desperate for help from others, and helping those in need might be what any individual who wants to contribute to society would be more than willing to do. Another reason might be to gain hands-on experience. For employers, a candidate who has been a volunteer for any organization would have the edge over other candidates who haven’t.

  • fundamental: cơ bản
  • underprivileged: kém cỏi
  • have the edge: có lợi thế

3. What can schools do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?

I think I would offer two suggestions; one of which is that academic institutions should remind their students of the potential plus points of any unpaid service, such as experience and a sense of responsibility for the greater good. Another idea would be to have field trips where students can be of use like picking up the trash from the seashore or helping to build fences for farmers.

  • for the greater good: vì điều tốt đẹp hơn

4. Who benefits more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people helped?

I think it is without a doubt a win-win situation for both parties, but for me, it is those who receive the help that gets my pick. Let me make myself clear, for those people, it might just be what they need to get out of misery, especially if the assistance is something of significance, like being able to go to school or college. For example, there was a girl I remembered who became an orphan since she lost her parents due to COVID-19, and a lady from Hanoi graciously provided the fund for that girl to finish school and just a few months ago, she was accepted to a prestigious university. Had it not been for the voluntary work of that lady, the poor girl would not have had the opportunity to achieve what she did

  • a win-win situation: đôi bên cùng có lợi
  • gets my pick: lựa chọn của tôi
  • graciously: ân cần

Bài mẫu bởi thầy Phan Hải – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop HN

Trên đây là những nội dung bạn có thể tham khảo khi luyện tập chủ đề Helping a child trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 và Part 3. Tham khảo thêm bài mẫu cho chủ đề Helping.

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