
Topic: Place of work/study | IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong chuyên mục giải đề IELTS Speaking kỳ này, cùng The IELTS Workshop tham khảo cách giải Topic: Place of work study IELTS Speaking Part 1 qua bài mẫu của cô Thu Thuỷ. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng theo chủ đề và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm nhé.

Câu hỏi chủ đề Place of work/study IELTS Speaking Part 1

Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace?
What part of your school do you like the most?
What is your favourite place to study?
Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?

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Xem thêm: 4 nguyên tắc trả lời IELTS Speaking trong phòng thi bạn cần biết

Câu trả lời mẫu (Sample Answer)

1. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? 

It really depends on the type of work. For tasks that require deep concentration, like writing or research, I much prefer working alone because I can get down to business without interruptions. But when it comes to brainstorming or collaborative projects, I actually enjoy working in a group. Two heads are better than one, and bouncing ideas off other people often leads to more creative solutions. So, I try to find a happy medium between the two. 

  • Get down to business: Bắt đầu tập trung vào công việc chính. 
  • Two heads are better than one: Hai cái đầu thì tốt hơn một cái (làm việc nhóm tốt hơn). 
  • Happy medium: Giải pháp trung dung, cân bằng. 

2. Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace? 

If I had to choose, I’d say I prefer working in the workplace. At home, it’s so easy to get sidetracked by the TV or household chores, which can really throw me off track. On the other hand, the workplace gives me a more structured environment where I can really focus. Plus, I love the social aspect of being in the office – it’s nice to have colleagues around to bounce ideas off. That said, I do appreciate the flexibility of working from home now and then. 

  • Get sidetracked: Bị phân tâm. 
  • Throw me off track: Làm tôi chệch hướng, mất tập trung. 
  • Bounce ideas off: Trao đổi ý tưởng với người khác. 

3. What part of your school do you like the most? 

The part of my school I liked the most was definitely the library. It was my little slice of heaven – so quiet and peaceful, the perfect place to study without distractions. It had such a cozy atmosphere, with comfy chairs and lots of natural light. I could spend hours there, especially during exam season. In a way, I felt like the library was the heart and soul of my academic life. 

  • Slice of heaven: Nơi yên bình, tuyệt vời (như thiên đường). 
  • Heart and soul: Phần quan trọng nhất, trung tâm tinh thần của một nơi. 
Place of work study IELTS Speaking Part 1 sample

4. What is your favourite place to study? 

My favorite place to study is a cozy café near my home. It has a laid-back atmosphere with just the right amount of background noise to keep me focused, but not distracted. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the soft music they play really sets the mood for studying. Plus, the change of scenery from home keeps me from feeling too stuck in a rut, so I tend to be more productive there. 

  • Sets the mood: Tạo không khí, cảm hứng. 
  • Stuck in a rut: Cảm thấy nhàm chán, mắc kẹt trong lối mòn. 

5. Do you prefer to study at home or in a library? 

Although I enjoy the comfort of studying at home, I find that I’m much more productive in a library. At home, it’s too easy to procrastinate or get distracted by something around the house. In the library, though, the quiet environment and the fact that everyone around me is focused really helps me knuckle down and concentrate. Plus, the lack of distractions makes it easier to power through longer study sessions, especially when I’m up against the clock for exams. 

  • Procrastinate: Trì hoãn, chần chừ. 
  • Helps me knuckle down: Giúp tôi tập trung, làm việc chăm chỉ hơn. 
  • Up against the clock: Bị áp lực thời gian, làm việc gấp rút. 

Bài mẫu bởi cô Thu Thuỷ – Giáo viên The IELTS Workshop

Trên đây là sample cho Topic: Place of work/study IELTS Speaking Part 1. Ngoài ra, các bạn có thể tham khảo Kho bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 của The IELTS Workshop.

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