Trong chuyên mục giải đề dưới đây, cô Hồng Linh và cô Quỳnh Anh của The IELTS Workshop HN sẽ hướng dẫn bạn trả lời topic “Describe an invention that is useful in your daily“ trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking nhé.
Part 2: Describe an invention that is useful in your daily
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily
You should say:
What the invention is
What it can do
How popular it is
Whether it is difficult or easy to use
And explain why it is useful
Dưới đây là bài mẫu cho topic “Describe an invention that is useful in your daily“.
1. Bài mẫu (Sample)
Sample 1:

Sample 2:

2. Từ vựng (Vocabuary)
Sample 1:
- On a daily basis: hàng ngày
- live our lives to the fullest: tận hưởng cuộc sống đến mức cao nhất
- Well-loved: phổ biến, nhiều người sử dụng
- regardless of: bất kể
- On top of that: thêm vào đó
- does wonders : có tác dụng lớn
- hitting two birds with one stone: đạt nhiều mục đích nhờ 1 hành động
- a walk in the park: dễ dàng
- All in all: tổng kết lại
Sample 2:
- If my memory serves me right: nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm
- handheld computer: máy tính cầm tay
- keeping me updated with: giúp tôi cập nhật
- versatility: tính linh hoạt
- user-friendly interfaces: giao diện thân thiện với người dùng
- indispendable: không thể thiếu
Part 3
What qualities do inventors have?
Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
What inventions do you think should be improved?
Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?
1. What qualities do inventors have?
Sample 1: There can be various requirements to become innovators. With no doubt, they first need to be erudite so that they can come up with new ideas to profoundly change the way we live and enjoy our lives. I don’t think that a typical person like me or any of my friends would grow up to become an inventor as we are not bright enough to even solve some basic math questions, let alone formulating something like advanced mathematical principles like Sir Isaac Newton did. Then, our chance to develop something new may also be related to how hard we work. We need to really apply ourselves to multiple trials and experiments to achieve the final products.
- come up with: nghĩ ra
- apply ourselves to: cống hiến dành công sức thời gian nghiêm túc làm gì
Sample 2: Inventors typically have a curious and creative mind, allowing them to think outside the box. They are also persistent because developing a new invention often involves trial and error. Problem-solving skills are essential, as inventors must find solutions to real-world challenges. Lastly, they need a sense of vision and adaptability, since technology and market demands are always changing.
- think outside the box: tư duy đột phá
- persistent: kiền trì
- trial and error: thử và sai
- adaptability: tính thích nghi.
2. Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
Sample 1: Not really. Although for the majority of cases, new technologies are created by scientists or professional inventors, once in a blue moon, there can be some innovations that are developed by typical people like us. Sometimes it’s not about giving the world something completely new and useful, it’s about the fact that being able to think outside the box and improve the existing inventions or contribute to the betterment of society can also make us inventors.
- once in a blue moon: hiếm
- think outside the box: sáng tạo
Sample 2: Not at all. While scientists and engineers have the technical knowledge to develop complex inventions, many breakthroughs come from ordinary people with creative ideas. For example, many successful entrepreneurs, like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, were not traditional scientists but visionaries who saw opportunities for innovation. Invention is not just about scientific expertise—it also requires problem-solving skills and a forward-thinking mindset.
- Breakthroughs: đột phá
- ordinary people: người bình thường
- visionaries: người có tầm nhìn
3. What inventions do you think should be improved?
Sample 1: Honestly, I don’t really know as I’ve never thought about it. Hm, maybe mobile phones need further improvements, I mean I am fully aware that they have just appeared for around 30 years and they’ve become so omnipotent to the point that I feel like our lives only revolve around these tiny devices. But that’s how dangerous phones can be. Youngsters now experience that short attention span as a result of having their eyes glued to the screen all the time. Maybe it’s time some genius inventors came up with ways to mitigate this problem.
- Omnipotent: có tất cả quyền năng sức mạnh
- short attention span: khả năng chú ý thấp
Sample 2: I believe electric vehicles should be improved further. While they are an excellent alternative to gasoline-powered cars, they still have limitations, such as battery life, charging infrastructure, and high costs. If scientists can develop batteries that charge faster and last longer, electric vehicles could become the dominant mode of transportation.
- dominant: thống trị, chiếm ưu thế
4. Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
Sample 1: I am thinking about electric cars as they help save the environment by reducing our carbon footprints and our reliance on fossil fuels. And it would be such a mistake to not mention those innovations in healthcare like COVID-19 vaccines or any antibiotics you can name. They have already saved millions of lives all around the world and allow us to increase our longevity to have more time to explore the world.
- Longevity: sự sống lâu
Sample 2: Absolutely! One remarkable invention is solar panels, which provide clean and renewable energy. They help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. Another great invention is artificial intelligence, which has enhanced various fields. Additionally, vaccines have played a critical role in eradicating diseases and improving public health.
- reduce reliance on fossil fuels: giảm thiểu sự phụ thuộc lên nhiên liệu hoá thạch
- combat climate change: chống lại biến đổi khí hậu
- enhance: cải thiện, nâng cấp
- eradicate: xoá bỏ
5. Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
Sample 1: That’s a really difficult question to answer properly. I guess all of them are just like a double-edged sword. Without any doubt, inventions can bring our living standards to the next level, so that we can enjoy all the convenience and comfort in this world. But maybe the process of achieving those advances can be a horror story, you know, one that brought pain and suffering to many participants of those experiments. There have been so many immoral and unethical studies conducted all over the world just to find a new cure for AIDS, cancer or antibiotics. During the process, thousands of participants or subjects are infected with diseases or viruses so that doctors and scientists can observe them and give them different medications to estimate the right amount of medicines that should be prescribed for humans. My verdict is that all inventions can be lauded for their incredible contributions to the world, but we might need to be aware that those breakthroughs can also bring nightmares to some people.
- a double-edged sword: có tính chất hai mặt cả tốt lẫn xấu
- Verdict: nhận xét/ quan điểm về cái gì
Sample 2: Not necessarily. While many inventions improve our lives, some have negative consequences. For example, while social media has transformed the way we communicate, it has also contributed to problems like cyberbullying and misinformation. Similarly, industrial advancements have increased production but also led to environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to consider both the advantages and potential drawbacks of new inventions.
- cyberbullying: bạo lực mạng
- misinformation: thông tin giả
6. Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?
Sample 1: From my point of view, there should be a joint effort between the private sector and governments. Regarding scientific research carried out by corporations, as they are driven by money, they would certainly do their best to bring extraordinary inventions to this world just so they can maximize their profit. That’s how we, as human beings, benefit from different newly launched products. Having said that, their thirst for money may also prompt them to manipulate or make some changes to the experiment results just so their products seem more competitive in the market. And unfortunately, they do so at the expense of our lives. Therefore, governments should be in charge of supervising them and checking all their experiments frequently to protect us.
- a joint effort: nỗ lực chung tay
- at the expense of sb/st: with loss or damage to somebody/something
Sample 2: Both governments and private companies play crucial roles in supporting inventors. Governments often provide funding for research in areas that benefit society, such as healthcare and renewable energy. For example, in recent years, governments around the world have heavily invested in researching and exploiting solar energy, thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuels. On the other hand, private companies are more focused on commercial viability and technological advancements.
- play crucial roles in: đóng vai trò quan trọng
Trên đây là bài mẫu cho topic: Describe an invention that is useful in your daily. Các bạn có thể tham khảo các bài mẫu IELTS Speaking khác của The IELTS Workshop cũng như làm bài test trình độ IELTS tại đây, từ đó đề ra cho mình lộ trình ôn luyện chuẩn xác nhất nhé!
Để có thể học và nắm được phương pháp xây dựng câu trả lời cho phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3, tham khảo ngay Khóa bổ trợ từng kỹ năng IELTS chuyên sâu của The IELTS Workshop.